2021-현재 울산과학기술원 경영과학부 부교수
2019-2021 울산과학기술원 경영학부 조교수
2013-2019 홍콩대 경영대학 조교수
1998-2011 금융감독원 선임조사역
1994-1998 한국은행 행원
2024-2026 과학기술인공제회 리스크관리위원회 외부위원
2024-2025 한국경영학회 ESG위원회 위원
2023-2025 금융위원회 금융산업 경쟁도평가위원회 위원
2021-2024 금융감독원 금융감독자문위원회 은행분과 위원
2020-2022 금융감독원 금융지주회사 바젤 III 신용위험평가모형 승인심사위원회 위원
2021-2023 금융감독원 징계위원회 외부위원
2020-2025 한국은행 울산본부 학술자문위원
2021-2022 한국회계학회 회계감사위원회 위원
학력 및 자격
2006-2013 브리티쉬콜럼비아대학 경영학박사
2004-2006 미네소타주립대학 경영학석사
1990-1994 서울대학교 경영대학 경영학사
2002 국제공인재무분석사 (CFA)
연구 분야
기업가치평가; 정보공시; 이익조정; 경영자보수계약; 내부자거래; 기업지배구조; 금융기관 및 자본시장 규제 (Valuation; Disclosure; Financial reporting; Executive compensation & Incentives; Insider trading; Corporate governance; Financial institutions & Capital market regulations)
출간논문 (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7008-8333)
[1] Joo, Jeong Hwan and S. Chamberlain, 2017. “The effects of governance on classification shifting and compensation shielding,” Contemporary Accounting Research 34(4), 1779-1811, Winter 2017.
[2] Ahn, Minkwan, and Jeong Hwan Joo, 2020. “What determines the voluntary disclosure of CEO succession planning?” Korean Accounting Review 45(5), 115-160.
[3] Bae, Jihun and Jeong Hwan Joo, 2021. “CEO turnover, leadership vacuum, and stock market reactions,” Applied Economics 53(58), 6752-6769.
[4] Bae, Jihun, Jeong Hwan Joo, and Chul W. Park, 2022. “Differential performance impacts of outsider versus insider interim CEO succession,” Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 29(6), 1439-1468.
[5] Bae, Jihun, Jeong Hwan Joo, and Jaeyoon Yu, 2023. “CEO succession planning and market reactions to CEO turnover announcements,” Finance Research Letters 58, 103946.
[6] Begley, Joy, Sandra Chamberlain, and Jeong Hwan Joo, 2023. “When is depreciation meaningful in valuation? Changing valuation weights for U.S. REITs,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance 38(3), 455-482.
[7] Biddle, Gary, Chan, Lilian, Joo, Jeong Hwan, 2024. “Clawback adoptions, managerial compensation incentives, capital investment mix and efficiency.” Journal of Corporate Finance 84, 102506.
– Featured by Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2017/10/page/5/)
– Cited by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/final/2022/33-11126.pdf)
[8] Joo, Jeong Hwan, Kyung, Hangsoo, “Clawback provision and Insider trading profits.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Forthcoming.
– Featured by The FinReg Blog sponsored by the Duke Financial Economics Center (https://sites.duke.edu/thefinregblog/2024/01/23/clawback-provisions-and-insider-trading-profits/)
R&R 논문
[1] Ahn, Yuyeon, Han, Soongsoo, Joo, Jeong Hwan, Kim, Taejin, “The effects of an ex-post settling up mechanism on financial misreporting and compensation contracts when CEOs have career concerns and ability uncertainty” (Revising for resubmission to the third round review at Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting)
대학 강의
2013-2019: 재무회계 (학부), 중급회계 I (학부)
2019-현재: 재무회계 (학부), 재무제표분석론 (학부), 경영원론(학부, 팀티칭), 재무와 회계(기술경영대학원)
바학위과정 강의
UNIST- 현대중공업그룹 혁신관리자 과정, 2021-2023
UNIST-SOIL MBA 과정, 2022-2024
UNIST- Innovation Campus Start-up 관리자 과정, 2021
석박사 배출
MengShu Hao (2019년), Ph.D. in Accounting (co-supervisor), The University of Hong Kong
– 중국 베이징항공항천대학 조교수