2021-현재 울산과학기술원 경영과학부 부교수
2019-2021 울산과학기술원 경영학부 조교수
2013-2019 홍콩대 경영대학 조교수
1998-2011 금융감독원 선임조사역
1994-1998 한국은행 행원
2024-2026 과학기술인공제회 리스크관리위원회 위원
2024-2025 한국경영학회 ESG위원회 위원
2023-2025 금융위원회 금융산업 경쟁도평가위원회 위원
2021-2024 금융감독원 금융감독자문위원회 은행분과 위원
2020-2022 금융감독원 금융지주회사 바젤 III 신용위험평가모형 승인심사위원회 위원
2021-2023 금융감독원 징계위원회 외부위원
2020-2025 한국은행 울산본부 학술자문위원
2021-2022 한국회계학회 회계감사위원회 위원
학력 및 자격
2006-2013 브리티쉬콜럼비아대학 경영학박사
2004-2006 미네소타주립대학 경영학석사
1990-1994 서울대학교 경영대학 경영학사
2002 국제공인재무분석사 (CFA)
연구 분야
기업가치평가; 정보공시; 이익조정; 경영자보수계약; 내부자거래; 기업지배구조; 금융기관 및 자본시장 규제 (Valuation; Disclosure; Financial reporting; Executive compensation & Incentives; Insider trading; Corporate governance; Financial institutions & Capital market regulations)
출간논문 (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7008-8333)
[1] Joo, Jeong Hwan and S. Chamberlain, 2017. “The effects of governance on classification shifting and compensation shielding,” Contemporary Accounting Research 34(4), 1779-1811, Winter 2017.
[2] Ahn, Minkwan, and Jeong Hwan Joo, 2020. “What determines the voluntary disclosure of CEO succession planning?” Korean Accounting Review 45(5), 115-160.
[3] Bae, Jihun and Jeong Hwan Joo, 2021. “CEO turnover, leadership vacuum, and stock market reactions,” Applied Economics 53(58), 6752-6769.
[4] Bae, Jihun, Jeong Hwan Joo, and Chul W. Park, 2022. “Differential performance impacts of outsider versus insider interim CEO succession,” Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 29(6), 1439-1468.
[5] Bae, Jihun, Jeong Hwan Joo, and Jaeyoon Yu, 2023. “CEO succession planning and market reactions to CEO turnover announcements,” Finance Research Letters 58, 103946.
[6] Begley, Joy, Sandra Chamberlain, and Jeong Hwan Joo, 2023. “When is depreciation meaningful in valuation? Changing valuation weights for U.S. REITs,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance 38(3), 455-482.
[7] Biddle, Gary, Chan, Lilian, Joo, Jeong Hwan, 2024. “Clawback adoptions, managerial compensation incentives, capital investment mix and efficiency.” Journal of Corporate Finance 84, 102506.
– Featured by Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2017/10/page/5/)
– Cited by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/final/2022/33-11126.pdf)
[8] Joo, Jeong Hwan, Kyung, Hangsoo, 2024, “Clawback provision and Insider trading profits.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 48, 107242.
– Featured by The FinReg Blog sponsored by the Duke Financial Economics Center (https://sites.duke.edu/thefinregblog/2024/01/23/clawback-provisions-and-insider-trading-profits/)
R&R 논문
[1] Ahn, Yuyeon, Han, Soongsoo, Joo, Jeong Hwan, Kim, Taejin, “The effects of an ex-post settling up mechanism on financial misreporting and compensation contracts when CEOs have career concerns and ability uncertainty” (Under the third-round review at Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting)
대학 강의
2013-2019: 재무회계 (학부), 중급회계 I (학부)
2019-현재: 재무회계 (학부), 재무제표분석론 (학부), 경영원론(학부, 팀티칭), 재무와 회계(기술경영대학원)
바학위과정 강의
UNIST- 현대중공업그룹 혁신관리자 과정, 2021-2023
UNIST-SOIL MBA 과정, 2022-2024
UNIST- Innovation Campus Start-up 관리자 과정, 2021
석박사 배출
MengShu Hao (2019년), Ph.D. in Accounting (co-supervisor), The University of Hong Kong
– 중국 베이징항공항천대학 조교수